General industrial chemicals refer to a broad category of chemicals used in various industrial processes. These chemicals are used for a variety of purposes in manufacturing, cleaning, metalworking, power generation, food processing and many other industrial sectors.
General industrial chemicals include a variety of products such as acids, bases, solvents, detergents, grease solvents, paints and coating materials. These chemicals can fulfill a variety of functions, such as improving production processes, changing material properties, and providing cleaning and disinfection.
In industrial applications, safe use and reduced environmental impact are important. Therefore, industrial chemical manufacturers prioritize compliance with safety standards and environmental sustainability principles when developing their products.
Gürsel Paşa Mahallesi 75508 Sokak No:8/A Teknoplaza, Seyhan / Adana / Türkiye
(0322) 429 15 05 (Adana)
(0530) 584 45 14 (Kayseri)